No. 200

OSB Logo The Old St Beghian
  January 2022


200th Issue

In December 1938 the very first copy of the OSB Bulletin was issued and our current number is the 200th.  To mark the occasion, we reprint below the editorial which appeared in Issue Number One. The current Editor hopes that the magazine is still a ‘useful’ one, but draws OSBs attention to the final sentence below, which remains as valid today as it did 84 years ago.


   No.1                    DECEMBER                    1938


This is the first number of what it is hoped will be a useful publication. It is the intention to issue this Bulletin each term, and to send a copy free of charge to every Old Boy whose name is on the Register. In past years it was possible to include a regular issue of the School Magazine in the subscription to the Old St. Beghians’ Club, but for financial reasons this practice has been discontinued for some time, and in consequence many Old Boys have been out of touch with the activities of the School.

The form which the Bulletin takes in its first issue is a provisional one. Any suggestions as to ways in which its value could be increased will be greatly appreciated, the object being to include as much news of interest to Old Boys in as compact a form as possible.

It must be emphasised that its usefulness will depend very largely on the help which Old Boys themselves are prepared to give in supplying news of themselves and other Old Boys.



The Editorial was then followed by the following item:

‘There are seventy-one boys in the School this term. Forty of these are housed on School House, twenty-six on Foundation, and there are five day boys.’

For purposes of comparison, the numbers of students (sic) in the school in December 2021 was 74, of whom 41 were boarders.





The St Beghian Society    
St Bees School,    St Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS

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